Abelia had filmmaker Marcus Støren make this beautiful short film featuring my book Reconstructions of Gender and Information Technology – Women Doing IT for Themselves (Palgrave Macmillan 2023) for the International Women’s Day 2024 and the celebration of 50 outstanding Tech Women in Norway
If you want
to read more, the paper book is now available with 20% off from Palgrave,
announced for the celebration of the International Women’s Day (use this code
at Palgrave’s
online shop YTY9B7afrAJKRp – valid until April 2, 2024!)
Or, if you can’t join the event in Bergen in the morning, what about joining the Women in AI event in Oslo in the evening, where I will also contribute 😊 Women in AI with NORA.ai
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While waiting for my book to be published I made bookmarks! And now you can be the owner of one of these. Simple rules: send a photo of yourself and the paper version of my book to my email or post to Facebook or LinkedIn and tag me. The first 5 will have a frog bookmark in the mail!
There are two book launch events planned for November 23rd for my new book Reconstructions of Gender and Information Technology – Women Doing IT for Themselves (Palgrave Macmillan 2023, Open Access at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-99-5187-1)
My colleague Idun has writting a nice piece about my new book Reconstructions of Gender and Information Technology – Women Doing IT for Themselves (Palgrave Macmillan 2023)
Yay! My new book is out! Reconstructions of Gender and Information Technology: Women Doing IT for Themselves. About how women find their way into tech careers.
About the book:This open access book explores what makes women decide to pursue a career in male-dominated fields such as information technology (IT). It reveals how women experience gendered stereotypes but also how they bypass, negotiate, and challenge such stereotypes, reconstructing gender-technology relations in the process. Using the example of Norway to illuminate this challenge in Western countries, the book includes a discussion of the “gender equality paradox”, where gender equality exists in parallel with gender segregation in fields such as IT. The discussion illustrates how the norm of gender equality in some cases hinders rather than promotes efforts to increase women’s participation in technology-related roles. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-99-5187-1#about-this-book
Here is what one of the reviewers says about the book:
“Hilde G. Corneliussen provides an exploration of gender equality in technology with this definitive and thought-provoking book. With meticulous research, she sheds light on the unsolved issues of the gender imbalance in IT, revealing the complex factors that hinder progress. Through compelling narratives and inspiring insights, the book unveils the resilience of women who challenge stereotypes and reconstruct the gendered space of IT. A must-read for those seeking to create an inclusive digital future.” (Jeria Quesenberry, Associate Dean of Faculty, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and author of Cracking the Digital Ceiling: Global Views of Women in Computing) https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-99-5187-1#about-book-reviews
Do you want to hear more?
I will be giving some talks locally and an online webinar about the book. Please send me a message if you want to participate or receive news about such events: hgc@vestforsk.no
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Book cover for Gender Inequalities in Tech-driven Research and Innovation Living the Contradiction, edited by Gabriele Griffin
In Unconventional Routes into ICT Work: Learning from Women’s Own Solutions for Working around Gendered Barriers, Gilda Seddighi and myself analyse women’s routes to ICT work in light of their educational choices, way of acquiring ICT competence, and the position and work tasks they currently have at work.
The chapter
illustrates that a large group of all the women we interviewed, had not imagined
working with technology when finishing upper secondary school and moving on to
One of the
women who had gradually moved toward technology described doing so as a “natural
progression”, from a Master’s degree in chemistry to a PhD in cybernetics. We asked
why she had made these choices:
Well, in fact I chose chemistry. When I finished (high school) I didn’t even know what cybernetics was. And I am not sure that I would have chosen it even if I had known […] The most important thing is that you see as you go along, whether you like the subject or not, and then make choices based on that. So, I started with chemistry but then I chose the subjects with less chemistry, more towards control systems. Therefore, it was a natural transition into cybernetics for me. (“Dani”, in Corneliussen & Seddighi, 2022, p. 66-67)
The barriers that many women experience when approaching tech education during their teens, might not appear equally daunting when they move into tech via less conventional routes, such as Dani’s “natural progression”.
Cite this chapter: Corneliussen, H. G., & Seddighi, G. (2022), Unconventional routes into ICT work: Learning from women’s own solutions for working around gendered barriers. In G. Griffin (Ed.), Gender Inequalities in Tech-Driven Research and innovation: Living the Contradiction (56-75), Bristol: Bristol University Press.
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After many years of studying how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is gendered in the Norwegian and Nordic culture, my interest is more in what successfully brings women into ICT, rather than what excludes women from ICT. The chapter on unconventional routes into ICT work that I wrote together with my colleague Gilda Seddighi, explores how women come to tech work, not through the more “conventional” route of choosing the “correct” subjects at school that leads to ICT at university etc. Instead, in this chapter we focus on the unconventional routes that bring many women into ICT work.
The messy road system we found in Mongolia seemed like a good illustration of the different and unconventional routes many women pursue to ICT.
The chapter is based on in-dept interviews with women working with ICT where a majority of the women we interviewed had found an alternative route to ICT. This included a)a delayed entry into ICT education, b)a natural progression into ICT due to digitalization of non-technological disciplines and occupations, and c) pursuing opportunities arising as non-technological competences are increasingly needed and valued in digitalization.
less conventional routes illustrate women’s professional development as motivated
by processes of digitalization and the recognition of a wide set of
professional fields and competences needed in ongoing digital transformations.
Relying on entry points less affected by masculine stereotypes, the women
contribute to new ways of co-constructing gender and ICT in the new digitalized
Cite this chapter: Corneliussen, H. G., & Seddighi, G. (2022), Unconventional routes into ICT work: Learning from women’s own solutions for working around gendered barriers. In G. Griffin (Ed.), Gender Inequalities in Tech-Driven Research and innovation: Living the Contradiction (56-75), Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Written together with Clem Herman and Radhika Gajjala in:
This Changes Everything – ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do?
13th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC13 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 19–21, 2018, Proceedings
Information and communication technology (ICT) has a changing power and digitalization is gradually changing society in all aspects of life. Across the western world, men are in majority in the ICT industry, thus, the computer programs that change “everything” are most often made by men. Unless questioned, this male dominance can be perceived as a “norm” and becomes invisible. Against this background, this paper will provide three examples of how a feminist gaze can contribute to raise important questions and produce an awareness of how exclusion mechanisms have produce a highly homosocial tendency in design of ICT systems in the western world.
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Have had a great day with the Expert Group Meeting for UN Women’s #CSW67 Preparations with the topic Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls
Proud and very excited to be part of such an amazing group of experts on this topic. We had many important discussions today and will have more tomorrow!
The book is edited by Nordwit coordinator Gabriele Griffin and has contributions from Nordwit researchers as well as colleagues from the Nordic countries.
Together with Gilda Seddighi and one with Carol Azungi Dralega, I am involved in three chapters:
Corneliussen, H. G., & Seddighi, G.: Unconventional routes into ICT work: Learning from women’s own solutions for working around gendered barriers. In G. Griffin (Ed.), Gender Inequalities in Tech-Driven Research and innovation: Living the Contradiction (pp. 56-75). Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Corneliussen, H. G., Seddighi, G., & Dralega, C. A. (2022). The Discourse of Rurality in Women’s Professional- life Narratives: Gender and ICT in Rural Norway. … (pp. 173-187)
Seddighi, G., & Corneliussen, H. G. (2022). ‘If it had been only me, it would not have worked out’: Women negotiating conflicting challenges of ICT work and family in Norway … (pp. 140-155)
The Nordic countries are regarded as frontrunners in promoting equality, yet women’s experiences on the ground are in many ways at odds with this rhetoric.
Putting the spotlight on the lived experiences of women working in tech-driven research and innovation areas in the Nordic countries, this volume explores why, despite numerous programmes, women continue to constitute a minority in these sectors.
Contributors flesh out the differences and similarities across different Nordic countries and explore how the shifts in labour market conditions have impacted on women in research and innovation.
This is an invaluable contribution to global debates around the mechanisms that maintain gendered structures in research and innovation, from academia to biotechnology and IT.
Open access: You can download the book from OAPEN https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/55792
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(Shutterstock: license Vestforsk)
A continuous under-representation of women in ICT has been the focus of research in Nordic as well as other western countries. A recurring question has been: how can we recruit more women to ICT? Answering this question, however, requires knowledge about what make women enter fields of ICT.
Our study of women who have already chosen a career in various fields of ICT and digitalization has shown that many women have not followed a ‘conventional’ route to ICT, that is: making the “right choices” at high school and moving on to ICT at university level. Rather, most of the 28 women we interviewed in a case study in Norway had found other, less conventional routes to ICT:
Some of the women had already started on a non-tech university degree, before changing direction or returning to university for a second degree in ICT;
some of the women had gradually moved towards ICT through the increasing digitalization of their original non-tech discipline or field;
and some of the women had found work opportunities within projects and companies focusing on digitalization and ICT innovation because their non-tech competences were needed.
The routes that the women have followed, and the consequences of their movements and changing directions, are not fully reflected in publicly available statistics. There are gaps, for instance, in identifying ICT as a second degree after a change of educational direction, thus also women’s double education/competence background when entering IT work remains invisible, and the same goes for the pattern of women with a non-tech education entering vital positions in IT and core fields of digitalization.
The Nordwit research thus suggests that improvements are needed in statistics about women’s participation in ICT-driven work, and here are some examples:
We need to develop statistical models that enable accurate capture of new forms of working, circuitous routes into ICT and technologized fields, and movement across jobs;
Make it a routine to have systematic entry and exit interviews when people start/leave jobs (for instance to identify how women’s career/work paths are gendered);
Gender equality statistics, as illustrated by the Nordwit research, should be informed by qualitative research findings, suggesting also that national offices of statistics could benefit from collaborating with researchers in the field.
Target groups for the advices are not only the national offices of statistics, but also ministries, EC, trans/national bodies (e.g. OECD, governmental labour surveys), trades unions, employer-employee forums, private research organizations, and NGOs.
Read more about these topics from the Nordwit research:
Simonsen, M., & Corneliussen, H. G. (2020). What Can Statistics Tell About the Gender Divide in ICT? Tracing Men and Women’s Participation in the ICT Sector Through Numbers. In D. Kreps, T. Komukai, G. TV, & K. Ishii (Eds.), Human-Centric Computing in a Data Driven Society (379-397). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
To be published during the spring of 2022: Unconventional routes into ICT work: Learning from women’s own solutions for working around gendered barriers, by Corneliussen & Seddighi, to be published in a book edited by Gabriele Griffin: Gender Inequalities in Tech-Driven Research and innovation: Living the Contradiction.