Code School for children and heads of state – Reaktor

Encouraged by the positive feedback from the participants, we agreed that all children should get the chance to try out the basics of programming in a fun, tangible way. Word of a public code club spread through word of mouth and social media, and the registration for the first Code School filled up within an hour. Over 300 children were placed on a waiting list.

“BUT how can we get boys and girls excited about coding?” they ask in the video. By drawing with code!

Code School from Reaktor on Vimeo.

Source: Code School for children and heads of state – Reaktor

“Girls Who Code to give $1 million to underprivileged girls”

Nonprofit Girls Who Code is giving away scholarships to low-income girls who want to take their free summer coding classes. Here’s why.

Roughly 1% of girls study computer science — and just 20% of software developers are women. So Girls Who Code alumni have the potential to add a big influx of women into the STEM pipeline.

Source: Girls Who Code to give $1 million to underprivileged girls – Jan. 19, 2016


Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward
An opportunity to spend a couple of days in late July in Leicester!

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions of abstracts for papers and panel proposals for the 2016 IAMCR conference to be held from 27 -31 July, 2016 in Leicester, UK. The deadline to submit abstracts is midnight GMT on 15 February 2016.


  • Deadline for abstracts: 15 February


251304Interested in what makes some people or groups become excluded from (global) digital culture? And what we can do to achieve higher degree of inclusion?

Together with Fulbright Professor Radhika Gajjala I will be teaching DIKULT251 and DIKULT304 this semester, and we have built a course around the topic of exclusion mechanisms and inclusion strategies in global digital culture.

We will have new guest researchers every week, talking about their own research with reference to inclusion/exclusion. Our first guest is Lin Prøitz on the 19th of January, and she will talk about Visual Social Media Lab and their report: “The Iconic Image on Social Media: A Rapid Response to the Death of Aylan Kurdi“.

SwafS-11-2017 anyone?

Image from…. “What is Horizon 2020?”

This call from Horizon 2020 seems to be targeting us!

TOPIC : Science education outside the classroom
Deadline: 30 August 2017

Read the entire call here. Just sharing the section “expected impact” below:

In the short term, the proposed action will identify good practices in terms of science education outside the classroom and consider the impact this information has on formal and informal science education for students and citizens. In the medium term, the results of the present action will help the EU to better understand the effects of science education outside the regular education institutions and will increase the range of innovative products in science education that reflect societal needs. In the long term the results of the research should contribute to considerations on accrediting the available information.

After three H2020 application in the field of STEM (still waiting for the evaluation of the last one!) we have some partners, however this call expects a consortia that includes “at least entities from 10 different Member States or Associated Countries”. Feel free to contact us if you think that you could contribute to this call.

Ny rapport: Hvordan møter skolen økt frivillig engasjement for å lære barn koding?

Hilde G. Corneliussen og Lin Prøitz: Hvordan møter skolen økt frivillig engasjement for å lære barn koding? – erfaringer med koding for barn i og utenfor skolen, Vestlandsforsking-rapport nr. 6/2015

Last ned rapporten:

Rapporten beskriver og drøfter funn fra forprosjektet “Innovasjon i utdanning: Hvordan møter skolen økt frivillig engasjement for å lære barn koding? – Erfaringer fra Leikanger kommune”. Hovedmål er å kartlegge erfaringer fra tilbud om koding for barn innenfor og utenfor skolen for å undersøke i hvilken grad dette representerer inkluderende opplæring og hvordan det samspiller med skolens oppgave. Som resultat skal forprosjektet identifisere hvilke kunnskapsbehov skolen har i møtet med den frivillige bevegelsen som har trådt inn som en ny premissleverandør for barns digitale kompetanse. Første del er i sin helhet utført av forskerne Hilde G. Corneliussen og Lin Prøitz, mens andre del er basert på skolens egen evaluering av kodeaktivitet i skolen, der Corneliussen og Prøitz har bidratt med dialog og fungert som forfattere i rapporten. Studien er godkjent av Personvernforbunet for forskning, Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste.

WUN Understanding Global Digital Cultures Conference 2015

Interesting conference by Worldwide Universities Network in Hong Kong in April!

Lin Prøitz and I were there to present our work on Kids Code from Norway, with a gender perspective on the code clubs asking; what’s at stake, what does coding represent? And are the code clubs gender inclusive?


After the conference we had a workshop with WUN members, and decided to continue the initiative around inclusion/exclusion in digital culture.

Source: WUN Understanding Global Digital Cultures Conference 2015 – News – Worldwide Universities Network

Vestlandsforsking / Western Norway Research Institute

VestlandsforskingWe made it safely to Ulaanbaatar and back. A fantastic trip – read about it here. I got my interviews there; A big thank you to the women I met there who helped and participated in interviews!

Not really related to the long drive to Mongolia, but when we came back I decided to try something new, and instead of driving 250 km to work I now have only 13-14 km to drive, to Western Norway Research Institute. At WNRI I am working with research, still related to technology/ICT, but now also with eHealth, Welfare Technology and reforms in the Norwegian Health Care System. Together with colleagues I am also involved in developing a research project aiming at INSO-6-2014: Platform for ICT for Learning and Inclusion under Horizon 2020. A new experience with new and exciting projects going on, so stay tuned for ECCO, ICE and perhaps FUN CODE.

Vestlandsforsking /NWRI

Invitation to women working with/studying computers in Ulaanbaatar

Looking for informants in Ulaanbaatar

 I am looking for women in Ulaanbaatar with a close relationship with computer technology (like students, lecturers or workers in computer science or a related field of computer technology) who would be willing to participate in an interview.

My name is Hilde G. Corneliussen and I am a researcher in Digital Culture at University of Bergen in Norway. I have been doing research on men and women’s relationships with computer technology for many years, and I am now looking for women in Ulaanbaatar who could participate in interviews in an international study called “Technicity – Exploring women’s relationship with computer technology”.

The interview will take place in Ulaanbaatar in second half of July 2013.

The interview will take about one hour. It is not a prerequisite, but a great advantage if we can do the interview in English.

Please send me an email or contact me on Facebook if you have questions or if you are interested in participating, and I’ll provide more information about the project.


 Hope to see you in Ulaanbaatar!
Hilde G. Corneliussen

CFP: Ada Lovelace Conference

Ada Lovelace – An Interdisciplinary Conference Celebrating her Achievements and Legacy. College of Arts and Letters | Stevens Institute of Technology | October 18, 2013

They have made a beautiful Call for Papers

Deadline for abstracts 14th of May. Still time to make it!

Ada Lovelace, from

What’s with the birds and landscape and stuff?

All photos appearing at Gender & Computing have been taken by me, unless another photographer is named.
I am an eager hobby photographer, and my husband is eager with the bird feeder just outside my home office window. This winter has been particularly cold, and we have had visits from a lot of birds that have trouble finding food elsewhere. Some of the guests are quite rare to see, like the sparrow hauk, haw finch, and the spotted woodpecker, but we also have large groups of less rare birds, like the bullfinch. Other landscape pictures appearing at this site are mainly from outside our home at Hafslo or from the mountain area at Tyin, where we have a flat and a great place to hide away to write.

On G & C the pictures are just to remind that there’s a world outside the office walls, however if you want to see more of my pictures you can visit gandrudbakken dot no.